Digital Archaeology Bern
Ancient West Asia
6–8 October 2023
University of Bern, Switzerland
For the archaeology and philology of Ancient West Asia, metadata standards, ontological data modelling, linked open data (LOD), and crowdsourcing open new holistic research approaches by building bridges between archaeological, epigraphic, pictorial, and ecological sources as well as between specialised scientific disciplines. Training in computational and digital methods and the methodological exchange with neighbouring fields and the overarching Digital Humanities increasingly gained importance in recent years and started to impact networks of scientific communities and academic education.
The hybrid conference «Digital Archaeology Bern – Ancient West Asia» takes place 6–8 October 2023 at the University of Bern (Switzerland) and brings together Archaeologists, Philologists, and Digital Humanists to present their state-of-the-art research and discuss the future of archaeological and philological studies within the broader framework of the Digital Humanities (6 and 7 October) and to participate in an onsite practical workshop (8 October).
The conference is hosted by the Department of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and the Digital Humanities of the University of Bern in collaboration with the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies (SGOA) and the Bern Computational and Digital Archaeology Lab.
Digital Archaeology Bern (DAB) is a conference series established in 2019 and organised by the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bern in changing collaboration with institutional partners and scientific societies.
Previously on Digital Archaeology Bern:
- «Digital Archaeology: quantitative approaches, spatial statistics and socioecological modelling» (4–6 February 2019).
- «Digital Archaeology Bern: advancing open research into the next decade» (1–3 February 2023).
Organizing Committee
Silvana Hunger
Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern
Nicole Gäumann
Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern
Sebastian Borkowski
Digital Humanities + Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern
Call for Papers & Posters
We invite young and established researchers to contribute either a scientific paper or poster on their current computational archaeology or philology research. Projects that cross academic boundaries by linking heterogeneous source material through the application of digital methods are particularly welcome.
Scientific papers should not exceed 20 minutes and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Posters will be presented in hybrid parallel sessions and should be submitted in A0 size as a PDF file.
Papers and posters may either be presented onsite or virtually.
Grants to support travel expenses and accommodation are available for young researchers (MA/PhD students) presenting a scientific paper. If you want to apply for a grant, please include a curriculum vitae and your expected expenses for your attendance at the conference in the application.
The submission deadline for abstracts of proposed papers and posters is 30 April 2023.
Please send your abstract (300–800 words), title, author(s), author affiliations and three keywords as a single PDF file to
Abstracts of accepted papers and posters will be posted on this website.
Registration for non-presenting participants will open in July 2023. Participation will be free of charge.